Friday, February 18, 2011

What is the difference Between Stereotype and Prejudice

Some Nice Article for My Classes


There is a difference, but you can have both at the same time. First, stereotyping occurs because we see patterns of commonality in certain categories of people. Stereotypes are not necessarily wrong, but they can be used wrongly. They became stereotypes for a reason - - - because there was a common thread running through the group of people or things.

The danger occurs when you mentally group people into certain categories based on a stereotype. We all do it without even thinking, but everyone should be judged on their own merits, not the stereotypical group we put them into.

An example would be politics. If you have ever heard radio talk-show hosts talk about people from a different political party than they are, you have probably heard them say things like, "All liberals wild and crazy." I personally take offense at such ridiculous statements, because I am a liberal, but I am not wild or crazy! Other people might say that all Asians are good at math, or all Germans are rigid, or all Italians have ties with the mafia. Do you see the error in that?


Now, let's take a look at prejudice. Prejudice is favoring or disfavoring something or someone for reasons that may or may not be justified. Prejudices generally stem from fear of something or someone different than we are. The difference may be race, it may be religion, it may be a behavior, or an object. Becoming familiar with the object of your prejudice can help to calm your fear and allow you to judge objectively, rather than with prejudice.

Here is an example of where both stereotyping and prejudice together.

Let's say someone of a different race tries to befriend you, but you are uncomfortable about it because of the stereotype you have about people of that race. But, the person is persistent and you actually begin to realize that the person is rather nice and has things in common with you. You were prejudiced because of the stereotype, but now you have some experience with this person, so you are no longer prejudiced against them. The fear is gone and this person becomes a friend. In the mean time you have learned a valuable lesson.

Prejudice can go the other way, too. You might be prejudiced in favor of someone or something because you are familiar with them/it. An example would be a coach who picks his son to be the pitcher of the little league team because the kid is his son. Not good, and definitely not fair!

From my View,

Stereotyping is more of a mental picture that someone has about a certain group that might not be true, and prejudice is just like being judgmental or forming some kind of belief without doing research about that type of group.

* the article is not produced by me. I took it somewhere from the net.

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