- Many have commented about Rosmah's "nasty" remarks towards Japan.
- She mentioned that it's the failure of Japan to adopt Green Technology and the climate change.
- Actually She said " Ini adalah pengajaran pada negara LAIN untuk mula memahami climate change dan Green Techonlogy atas apa yang berlaku pada Jepun"
- So, what she really meant was that OTHER COUNTRIES should learn to adopt green Technology and understand climate change from what has happened to Japan.
- Obvious isn't it? maybe it's a miscommunication. As a communicator it is my duty to clear the air and try not to hate somebody for a wrong reason. For me TVS statement is also misleading where they claim that Rosmah made the remarks toward Japan itself.
- As a malay's saying "Kalau sayang jangan terlalu sayang, nanti kita mula membenci, Kalau benci jangan terlalu membenci, Nanti kita akan tersayang padanya.
- Press, don't miss quote me ok.....:-D....Don't worry i'm not Rosmah anyway and some of you might think that Rosmah paid me millions to back her up.....hahahaha....pakcik kayo....
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