Oleh sayed hesham idrishesham.idris@utusan.com.my
KUALA LUMPUR - Kembali ke semi pro? Itu antara format yang mungkin disaksikan dalam liga bola sepak tempatan musim depan bagi mengatasi masalah kewangan yang kerap dialami persatuan bola sepak negeri dan kelab.
Cadangan itu antara yang bakal dipertimbangkan oleh Jawatankuasa Pertandingan Tempatan Persatuan Bola Sepak Malaysia (FAM) setelah Presiden FAM, Sultan Ahmad Shah mahu struktur Liga Malaysia diubah musim depan.
I'm not amazed that FAM is considering to go with the Semi-pro league for our local football team. I think this is because of several reasons. The most important reason is that we didn't have the STRONG FINANCIAL back-up for the team to progress. Often we heard the management failed to pay thier players accordingly. How can you aspect the players to be professional when the main managemant is doing a monkey business??
Secondly, the sorry state of Malaysian football is still worsening from day to day. The performance is not improving and it actually going no where. Many countries when they shifted to professional league, their national football improved, but unlike in Malaysia it went the other way round.
As such, i would like to support the FAm motion to go with Semi-pro league as the Malay proverb used to said "Kalau sesat jalan, Kembalilah ke pangkal Jalan. So, in this case, i think it is ok to turn to semi-pro next year....cheers
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