- Saya ada beberapa helai baju kerja lama yang saya sangat sayang
- Bila badan dah jadi macam badang ni, terasa macam baju nie mengecut pulak
- Brand baju ini kira ok laa, ada POLO, TIMBERLAND, dan PIERRE CARDIN
- Nak bagi kat adik-adik, mereka semua lebih besar dan sihat dari saya
- Nak bagi kat charity pulak, tak tau sapa pulak yang nak guna baju keje nie
- Pening sudah kepala saya memikirnya
- Sapa-sapa ada cadangan boleh tolong saya bagi cadangan macam mana nak settle kan masalah saya nie??
- Ataupun ada sapa-sapa tak yang nak baju-baju nie....
Monday, February 28, 2011
Baju Kerja Lama Saya
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
How to Write Negative Message
Developing Negative Messages
When choosing between the direct and indirect approach for negative messages, consider the following questions:
Will the bad news come as a shock?
Does the reader prefer short messages that get right to the point?
How important is this news to the audience?
Do you need to maintain a close working relationship with the audience?
Do you need to get the audience’s attention?
What is your organization’s preferred style?
Buffer---->Reasoning---->Bad News----> Positive closer
A buffer is a neutral, noncontroversial statement that is closely related to the point of the message:
It establishes common ground with your reader.
It validates the request (if you’re responding to one).
A good buffer is relevant and sincere and also:
Expresses your appreciation for being considered
Assures the reader of your attention to the request
Indicates your understanding of the reader’s needs
A poorly written buffer:
Trivializes the reader’s concerns
Diverts attention from the problem with insincere flattery or irrelevant material
Misleads readers into thinking your message actually contains some good news
Once you’ve written your buffer, evaluate it by asking four questions:
Is it respectful?
Is it relevant?
Is it neutral (implying neither yes nor no)?
Does it provide for a smooth transition to the reasons that follow?
An effective buffer serves as a stepping-stone to the next part of your message, in which you build up the explanations and information that will culminate in your negative news.
Ideally, your explanation section leads the audience to your negative conclusion before you
come right out and say it.
When giving your reasons for the bad news,
Start with the more positive points first before moving to the increasingly negative ones
Provide enough detail for your audience to understand your reasons
Be concise
By presenting your reasons effectively, you should convince your audience that your negative decision is justified, fair, and logical.
In some cases, you can use the explanation section to suggest how the bad news might in fact benefit your reader, but be careful that you don’t insult your reader.
Avoid hiding behind company policy to cushion your bad news.
Three techniques for stating bad news clearly and kindly:
De-emphasize the bad news.
Use a conditional (if or when) statement to imply that readers might someday receive a favorable answer.
Tell your audience what you did, can, or will do (not what you didn’t, can’t, or won’t do).
De-emphasize bad news by
Minimizing the space or time devoted to it
Subordinating it in a complex or compound sentence
Embedding it in the middle of a paragraph or using parenthetical expressions
Even when implying the bad news, be sure your audience understands that it is indeed negative:
Withholding negative information or overemphasizing the positive is unethical and unfair.
When an implied message might leave doubt, state the bad news in direct terms (avoiding overly blunt language that may cause pain or anger).
To write an effective close, follow these guidelines:
i)Avoid a negative or uncertain conclusion.
ii)Limit future correspondence.
iii)Be optimistic about the future.
iv)Be sincere.
Even though bad news is unwelcome in any language, the conventions for passing it on to business associates can vary from country to country; for example:
French writers take a direct approach.
Japanese writers protect their readers’ feelings by wording the bad news ambiguously.
Use the tone, organization, and other cultural conventions that your audience expects.
Giving bad news to internal audiences differs from giving it to external audiences:
Two internal groups can interpret news differently
Employees expect to be offered more detail and to be told before the public.
When writing negative messages to outside audiences, you should consider
The diverse nature of the audience
The confidentiality of the internal information
When sending bad news, you have the ethical obligation to
Communicate the information clearly and completely
Communicate the information promptly
Minimize the negative impact of your negative messages
All business messages must pass standards of ethics and etiquette; however, delivering bad news takes on special consideration for the following reasons:
A variety of laws and regulations dictate the content and delivery of many business messages
with potentially negative comment.
Negative messages can have a significant negative impact on the lives of those receiving them.
Emotions often run high when negative messages are involved.
It is unethical and perhaps illegal to delay, downplay or distort bad news.
Effectively sharing bad news within an organization requires commitment from everyone involved.
Employees must commit to sending negative messages when necessary and to doing so in a timely fashion, even when that is unpleasant or difficult. Managers must commit to maintaining open communication channels, truly listening when employees have negative information to share, and not punishing employees who deliver bad news.
Whistleblowers are employees who observe unethical or illegal behavior within their companies and are unable to resolve the problems through normal channels may have no choice but to resort to expressing their concerns through company ethics hot lines or even going to the news media if they perceive no other options.
Recognize that some negative news scenarios will test your self-control and tempt you to respond with a personal attack. Remember that negative messages can have a lasting impact on the people who receive them and the people who send them. Remember that you have a responsibility to minimize the negative impact of your negative messages through careful planning and sensitive, objective writing.
From: Chapter 9, Bovee,C.,L., & Thill,J.,V.(2008). 10th ed. Business Communication Today. New Jersey:Prentice Hall
Monday, February 21, 2011
Meragut Boleh Pecah Kemaluan?
- Pada pagi yang mulia ini, saya ingin berkongsi berita menarik yang menjadi "front page" bagi akhbar2 di Malaysia. Berita yang pertama adalah disini.
AMPANG: Seorang peragut yang kelam-kabut melarikan diri sejurus meragut beg tangan seorang wanita, terbunuh manakala rakannya parah selepas motosikal dinaiki merempuh kereta mangsa yang ketika itu nekad mengejar penjenayah terbabit di Taman Mega Jaya, Bukit Teratai di sini, semalam.
Tindakan berani arkitek wanita berusia 28 tahun yang juga anak bekas pegawai polis itu membuatkan dua lelaki terbabit panik sehingga mereka masuk ke laluan jalan mati di taman berkenaan sebelum berpatah balik dan merempuh kereta mangsa yang mengejar mereka.
Akibatnya, kedua-dua lelaki terbabit terpelanting ke longkang menyebabkan seorang daripada mereka maut di tempat kejadian selepas kerandut zakarnya pecah, manakala rakannya dimasukkan ke Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) Hospital Ampang. Kejadian berlaku kira-kira jam 9 pagi ketika mangsa sedang bersiap ke tempat kerja dan sejurus keluar dari kereta untuk menutup pintu pagar, dua lelaki terbabit meragut beg tangannya yang diletak di tempat duduk hadapan. Mangsa cuba melawan, tetapi dia ditendang sehingga terjatuh.
- Saya secara peribadi tidak bersetuju dengan tindakan arkitek muda ini. Manakan tidak, ia memang membahayakan nyawa beliau dan juga ia boleh menyebabkan kerugian yang lebih besar berlaku.
- Tetapi sekiranya diletakkan ditempat beliau, sebagai lelaki mithali (ceewaahhh) saya akan turut cuba berbuat apa sahaja sama ada mengejar, berkelut, bertumbuk dan lain-lain bagi merampas kembali beg berkenaan.
- Saya juga turut mencadangkan agar pihak berkuasa tempatan memberi saguhati kepada sesiapa yang bisa munumpaskan penjenayah ragut seperti yang dilakukan oleh saudari Nor Aisyah ini.
- Saya juga turut mencadangkan agar pihak polis mengumpul dan memantau kes-kes yang dilakukan oleh warga asing ini. Ini kerana kes ini juga membuktikan sebenarnya banyak kes-kes yang dilakukan oleh warga asing ini sering dipandang sepi ataupun dibuat-buat lupa sekiranya ada perbincangan BI-lateral kedua-dua buah negara. Paling tidak pun buatlah perbincangan tertutup untuk menangani hal ini.
- Yang terakhir, kita cuba adakan "Hari Tanpa Peragut" dimana kita semua diminta bekerjasama dengan pihak polis pada satu-satu hari berkumpul dikawasan stategik yang selalu berlaku kes ragut, agar berkawal dan cuba menangkap peragut sekiranya ada. Disamping itu juga program-program kesedaran juga boleh dilakukan dimana kita boleh pada masa yang sama mengedarkan risalah-risalah, "peper spray" & lain-lain alat yang boleh membantu menumpaskan para peragut sekalian.
- Kepada anak-anak muda tempatan yang teringin sangat nak jadi peragut.....grentikan jer ler....warga asing pun tumpas, ada hati nak meragut orang.
- Sekali lagi saya ucapkan tahniah kepada Nor Aisyah dan marilah kita membina Malaysia tanpa peragut.
Friday, February 18, 2011
What is the difference Between Stereotype and Prejudice
Some Nice Article for My Classes
There is a difference, but you can have both at the same time. First, stereotyping occurs because we see patterns of commonality in certain categories of people. Stereotypes are not necessarily wrong, but they can be used wrongly. They became stereotypes for a reason - - - because there was a common thread running through the group of people or things.
The danger occurs when you mentally group people into certain categories based on a stereotype. We all do it without even thinking, but everyone should be judged on their own merits, not the stereotypical group we put them into.
An example would be politics. If you have ever heard radio talk-show hosts talk about people from a different political party than they are, you have probably heard them say things like, "All liberals wild and crazy." I personally take offense at such ridiculous statements, because I am a liberal, but I am not wild or crazy! Other people might say that all Asians are good at math, or all Germans are rigid, or all Italians have ties with the mafia. Do you see the error in that?
Now, let's take a look at prejudice. Prejudice is favoring or disfavoring something or someone for reasons that may or may not be justified. Prejudices generally stem from fear of something or someone different than we are. The difference may be race, it may be religion, it may be a behavior, or an object. Becoming familiar with the object of your prejudice can help to calm your fear and allow you to judge objectively, rather than with prejudice.
Here is an example of where both stereotyping and prejudice together.
Let's say someone of a different race tries to befriend you, but you are uncomfortable about it because of the stereotype you have about people of that race. But, the person is persistent and you actually begin to realize that the person is rather nice and has things in common with you. You were prejudiced because of the stereotype, but now you have some experience with this person, so you are no longer prejudiced against them. The fear is gone and this person becomes a friend. In the mean time you have learned a valuable lesson.
Prejudice can go the other way, too. You might be prejudiced in favor of someone or something because you are familiar with them/it. An example would be a coach who picks his son to be the pitcher of the little league team because the kid is his son. Not good, and definitely not fair!
From my View,
Stereotyping is more of a mental picture that someone has about a certain group that might not be true, and prejudice is just like being judgmental or forming some kind of belief without doing research about that type of group.
* the article is not produced by me. I took it somewhere from the net.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Proton GEN2 Mudah Dicuri?

- Beberapa bulan lepas, ada cerita menarik mengenai kereta saya Proton Gen2 WPV 9**0
- Ketika itu, isteri saya yang memandu kereta berkenaan ke Nilai untuk pulang bagi menyelesaikan beberapa perkara
- Sampai di Nilai, ketika isteri saya cuma keluar sebentar untuk memangil emak keluar dari rumah, anak saya telah menarik dan menutup pintu pemandu dan menekan "lock" kereta saya dari dalam. Enjin kereta pada masa itu pun masih belum dimatikan.
- Pada mulanya isteri dan mak mertua saya tidak berapa risau mengenai situasi berkenaan sehinggalah mereka menyedari yang kunci "spare" tidak dibawa oleh isteri saya.
- lebih membimbangkan lagi, Isteri saya pun mulalah cuba untuk memanggil anak yang didalam kereta itu dan memberi arahan agar anak bertuah berkenaan membuka "lock" pintu
- Alangkah malangnya, anak yang berusia 2 tahun berkenaan gagal membuka "lock" pintu berkenaan walaupun dia faham 100% arahan yang diberikan oleh isteri saya
- Mulalah episod dimana semua mula panik, lalu tanpa membuang masa isteri saya pun menelifon mekanik berdekat dengan rumah dengan harapan dapatlah dibuka pintu kereta berkenaan
- Mekanik pun sampai dan setelah menerangkan masalah kami kepada beliau, mekanik itu pun berkata "Gen2 nie susah sikit dik, takpe..... nanti abg try dulu" kata beliau merujuk kepada perkerjaan yang ingin beliau lakukan iaitu untuk membuka pintu berkenaan menggunakan pembaris ala-ala seperti mana yang biasa dilakukan oleh pencuri bagi membuka pintu kereta dan terus mencuri kenderaan berkenaan
- Tanpa memikirkan bahawa kereta yang bakal dicerobah ini lain sedikit dari kereta-kereta yang lain, abg mekanik berkenaan pun mulalah cuba aksi pencuri kereta pro yang selalu kita tengok di kaca tv.
- Malangnya setelah 20 min mencuba, masih tiada perubahan. Cermin tingkap bercalar, getah penghalang angin terkopek dan pintu masih belum boleh dibuka. Walaubagaimanapun abg mekanik berkenaan masih tidak mengalah dan masih mencuba dengan aksi-aksi pencuri berkenaan.
- Setelah lebih setengah jam berlalu dan semakin ramai orang kampun turut menyaksikan "peristiwa" ini, maka isteri saya sudah tidak boleh menahan sabar. Beliau bercadang untuk dipecahkan sahaja tingkap pintu kereta berkenaan bagi membuka "lock" pintu berkenaan.
- Tanpa membuang masa abang mekanik berkenaan pun mengambil kain batik mak untuk dijadikan alas buku lima beliau bagi memecahkan tingkap kecil di pintu belakang kereta saya
- Krrrraaaaannnggggg.....berderailah tingkap kecil pada pintu belakang kereta saya......
- Yang saya peliknya, anak saya yang berada didalam kereta berkenaan tidak pula menangis dalam situasi ini. Beliau hanya tergelak kecik ketika isteri saya memelukanya dan membawa beliau keluar sambil berkata "ramai orang kat umah kita yer ammi".
- Sesungguhnya pengalaman ini telah menunjukkan bahawa kereta Proton GEN2 amatlah sukar dicuri...mungkin ramai yang tidak percaya tetapi bagi yang dah mengalami pengalaman ini dan juga kepada yang melihat bagaimana abg mekanik itu berhempas pulas cuba membuka pintu kereta saya, bolehlah dikatakan yang sememangnya Proton Gen2 sukar dibuka pintunya dari luar dan mungkin pencuri-pencuri kereta patut memilih kereta lain untuk dicuri!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Why Torres??? Why 50m???

(Picture taken from htp://www.chelseafc.com/)
- I'm not a Chelsea fan and not Torres either
- But when Liverpool sold Torres for £50million to Chelsea, I began to wonder, what can he do to change Chelsea's fate?
- With an amount of £50million i think Chelsea paid too much for Torres and even maybe other club such as Barcelona would 'not even consider' spending £50million on a player in the current financial climate, Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-1354975/50m-Fernando-Torres-You-joking-say-Barcelona.html#ixzz1DQN3cy23. From my experience, with £50m (which would an equivalent to RM250m) we could start a factory making Fibre Board in Malaysia with an annual gross profit of 1 million per year. That's how much it would mean to me!
- It is known that Chelsea made a bid for Torres during the summer but the striker was told that he would not be able to depart with the club undergoing a sales process. The price quoted for his transfer was so high as to be simply a symbolic "not for sale" sign.
- According to Guardian newspaper, Torres sought assurances that he would be able to depart in the future, should an acceptable bid be made and he consider a move necessary. Torres also wanted assurances over the future of the club when Liverpool were taken over by the new owners. Torres's camp believes that promises have been broken. Liverpool are not the club that Torres joined and the striker is pessimistic over the future and his patience has worn thin with the absence of investment or activity since the takeover.
- However the biggest question of all is, could Torres bring success to Chelsea? and with the enormous amount of investment, would it justify the success and the success that Torres will bring to the club. Can they win BPL with Torres?
- It's simply a waste buying players at that amount and probably it also can ruin peoples careers just like Real Madrid did to many of their "stars" which they bought previously.
- Let's see how Torres could cope with the new challenges.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Pilihanraya Umum Dah Nak Dekat

- Kalau kita rajin kelek-kelek surat khabar, tentu kita boleh perasan yang sekarang nie dah nak dekat pilihanraya Umum
- Mana tak nya, banyak betul cerita bantuan-bantuan yang diberikan oleh kerajaan ketika ini. Kalau tak caya tengok sini. Pada masa yang sama juga PM pun mengambil peluang untuk berjumpa dengan semua YB-YB di Sarawak. Menurut beliau ia bukan kerana pilihanraya, tetapi pada pandangan saya mungkin sebagai maklumat awal yang ingin dikumpul oleh PM sama ada pilihanraya boleh dilaksanakan dalam masa terdekat ini ataupun ada isu-isu lain yang dibincangkan. Maklumat lanjut di sini
- Kalau tak caya lagi, cuba korang pegi tengok pulak digital media, suma Radio & Tv asyik memaparkan cerita bantuan ini.
- Kepada yang dapat habuan ini, tahniah dan gunakan bantuan itu sebaik mungkin
- Yang tak dapat tu, janganlah berputus asa, carilah peluang lain dan mungkin juga bukan rezeki kita
- Cuma yang pastinya. pilihanraya memang dah dekat laa nie.
- Pada yang dah berumur 21 tahun, cepat-cepatlah pergi mendaftar sebagai pengundi. Nak daftar senang jer. Pegi pejabat pos bawak IC dan mintak didaftarkan sebagai pengundi. Kejap jer. Takde laa sampai berejam-jam lamanya
- Bukan apa, ramai yang masih lagi tak mendaftar jadi pengundi. Tapi bila ada isu banyak pulak komen itu tak betul ini tak betul. So masa mengundi nie lah korang nyatakan hasrat hati korang mengunakan kuasa korang dengan cara yang betul
- Oleh yang demikian bilakah agaknya pilihan raya umum akan dijalankan??? sapa boleh teka ????? ramalan saya kalau takde masalah besar dalam tahun ini juga sebelum bulan puasa dan raya.....so agak-agak laa bila (congakan dari penganalisis politik amatur)
- Akhir sekali, Sudah kah kita mendaftar sebagai pengundi????